Last week, we covered emerging science and real food success stories. This week, we'll look at longer reads and interesting articles about food and health, as well as everyone's favorite, the Wall of Shame...

Longer Reads and Interesting Articles

  1. A medical mystery: What happened to US healthcare spending, beginning around 1980? The New York Times documents how US spending has escalated relative to peer countries, but life expectancy gains have fallen behind. Could the low-fat, grain-heavy diet, introduced in the late 70s, be playing a role?
  2. "Our livers are in trouble." Read more about The Hidden Liver Crisis in America and how a lower-carb, higher-fat diet can turn things around.
  3. A public-private partnership to reverse type 2 diabetes? Working together with county and city governments, can Virta Health bring better health to a region of Indiana, and demonstrate the efficacy and cost saving potential of its virtual clinic model for reversing type 2 diabetes?
  4. Cardiologist Anthony Pearson writes to FDA Director Gottlieb to set the record (on dairy fat) straight. "There is no scientific evidence that supports the concept that dairy processed to remove dairy fat is healthier than the original, unadulterated product." Back to vintage, full-fat dairy, folks. Yum!
  5. A2 milk. Is there anything to the claim that it delivers less stomach upset to some? Or is it just about marketing/consumer choice? The Wall Street Journal explains.

Eat the Butter Wall of Shame

flank steak plate.jpg

Plate of the Week

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This plate is low carb and takes about 25 minutes to prepare.

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Want More?

Tune in next week for the Plate of the Week and some butter fun...

Until then,

The Moms @ Eat the Butter

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