This week, we summarize the top five news articles and studies in the real food realm. Plus, everyone's fave, the wall of shame...

News and Emerging Science

  1. Are there "major doubts" about the safety of keto? In spite of clickbait news headlines, there is no convincing evidence that eating carbs makes you live longer. Clinical trials show improvements in outcomes for those reducing carbohydrate intake.

  2. The diabetes epidemic rages on, as evidenced by the numbers in the new report based on National Center for Health Statistics data, released this week by the CDC. A shocking 14%of American adults have diabetes. In 2014, this rate was pegged at 12.2%. Rates are worse among men (16% vs. 12% for women); worse among those over 60 (28%); worse among Hispanic Americans (20%); worse among those with obesity (21%).

  3. Last week, The Houston Chronicle ran a bold opinion piece by cardiologist Bret Scher favoring low-carb diets and debunking the purported heart health risks of eating red meat.

  4. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released its estimate for the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease from 2015-2060. As of 2014, five million Americans suffered from AD. The CDC predicts this number will increase to 13.9 million by 2060. Read about why it doesn't have to be this way, and how avoiding diabetes with a low-carb lifestyle can help.

  5. News flash: yogurt isn't always health food. Sometimes it's dessert. A new study published in the BMJ evaluated hundreds of supermarket yogurt varieties. Even organic brands average 13 g of sugar per 100 g serving. "Only two out of 101 children’s yogurt and fromage frais products surveyed qualified as low sugar (≤5 g/100 g)." Two words to avoid the sugar trap? "Plain" + "Greek."

Did you catch the thoughtful, edgy honesty in this long read from HuffPostEverything You Know About Obesity is Wrong? Are you aware of the mainstream-but-unlikely-to-work ideas for curbing the obesity epidemic presented in the Washington Post?

Wall of Shame

  • Ashamed when you waste bacon grease? Esquire advises that instead you could freeze it and drop a cube into your whiskey.

  • In the wake of the resignation of Memorial Sloan Kettering's chief scientific officer due to failure to disclose lucrative industry ties, The New York Times Editorial Board pens an opinion piece entitled 'Medicine's Financial Contamination.'

  • mass resignation from the board of the evidence-based Cochrane Collaboration makes its future uncertain.

  • Starbucks reformulates its Frappuccinos to reduce sugar. The Wall Street Journal reports that after two years of careful taste testing, the new, "healthier" Carmel Frappuccino Grande still contains 50g or about 12 teaspoons or sugar. Crazy.

  • More on all the sugar in your other drinks: coffee, colas, soda, energy drinks, and teas.

  • The Wall Street Journal reports on a sugar fueled office divide: Should there be cake in the break room?

  • We hear a lot about 'Big Sugar.' What about 'Big Pasta'?

  • It's that time of the year, so pumpkin spice is everywhere. Pumpkin spice coffee creamer — pretzels — bagels — Oreos — protein powder/bars — dog treats... 65 unlikely eye-roll-inducing products.

  • Frito-Lay opened a pop-up restaurant in LA, aptly named 'Flamin' Hot Spot.' It featured Cheetos-inspired fare, like hot Cheetos burritos, Flamin’ Hot fries, XXTRA Flamin’ Hot rice bowls, and Sweetos hot cakes. No shame evident here.

  • Can you tell the difference? A steak taste test: affordable retired dairy cow vs. upscale wagyu.

canadian bacon Brussels sprouts roasted butternut.jpg

Plate of the Week

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This plate is low-carb and takes about 30 minutes to prepare.

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Want More?

Really old fat. And a Big Tex butter bust.

Tune in next week!

Until then,

The Moms @ Eat the Butter

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