This week, we summarize the top five news articles and studies in the real food realm. Plus, a few diversions...

News and Emerging Science

  1. Professor Tim Noakes, a leading scientist in the field of sports medicine, acclaimed author of The Lore of Running, and now advocate for low-carb diets, was found innocent of endangering the public and unprofessional conduct for the second time. The Nutrition Coalition covers the ruling and the story behind it. Congratulations, Professor Noakes!
  2. California mayor, Sean Wright, is sharing his success with a keto diet for weight loss, reversing prediabetes, and resolving fatty liver. He invites fellow residents of Antioch to learn more and join him in a journey to better health.
  3. Problems with sugar start early and get worse. According to reports on a new CDC study, American toddlers build up to 7 teaspoons added sugar per day by age 2. "High amounts of added sugar can be hidden in seemingly healthy food: a single-size serving of yogurt with fruit at the bottom can contain up to six teaspoons of sugar. In a regular 8 ounce serving of apple or orange juice, there are 5.5 teaspoons of sugar, on average."
  4. The Atlantic reports that interesting Yale mouse studies, just published in Cell, show benefits of a fasting metabolism—achieved by either fasting or strictly restricting carbohydrates—to help fight bacterial infections. (Vintage wisdom: starve a fever.) However, for viral infections, glucose appears to aid recovery.
  5. Are we underestimating obesity rates? University of Wisconsin study finds city of Eau Claire's self-reported obesity rates dramatically understated: 29% vs actual, clinically measured rates of 40%.


Why is the NYT writing about cauliflower? NPR asks, "Celery: Why?Scientific American asks, does ingesting artificial sweeteners cause us to eat more?  "What does the WSJ have to say about the Great Egg Debate? Is the (usually junk) food offered free at workplaces contributing to our expanding waistlines? Should honey and maple syrup count as added sugars on the new food label?


Wall of Shame

  • Protein bar maker, Clif, sued for duping consumers with supposedly wholesome/nutritious bars that are actually loaded with added sugar. Plaintiff: "The primary ingredient in each Classic Clif Bar is brown rice syrup—an added sugar."
  • The WSJ surmises that food companies can't figure out what Americans want to eat, as share prices of large packaged goods companies are underperforming the S&P. "Consumers are shifting toward fresh produce and meat, and away from packaged foods heavy on carbohydrates and sugar..."
  • Lean Cuisine flails with its "#ItAll" campaign, attempting to cast its diet food as empowering for women. Oops.


sirloin tips broccolini portobella.jpg

Plate of the Week

Click through for a basic recipe:

This plate is keto and takes about 25 minutes to prepare.

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Want More?

Mark Zuckerberg’s epic “Grill Talk” monologue from 2016 gets edited and animated. And an old-school fave, "C is for Cookie," gets released with fresh animation.

Tune in next week!

Until then,

The Moms @ Eat the Butter

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